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Zero Tolerance Policy

To promote an ethos of respect to all, Lumir Clinic follows the government’s ‘Zero Tolerance’ policy in respect of clinic staff. Our team aims to provide a respectful and inclusive service to all our patients, patient supporters, and health service colleagues.

We understand that some patients may be in pain or suffer from complex conditions and therefore may not always act in a reasonable manner. Lumir Clinics will ensure the entire team communicate with sensitivity and compassion during every contact. However, this relationship is dependent on mutual respect, and we would ask you to understand that our staff deal with varying and often demanding situations.

Lumir Clinics takes harassment, abusive, aggressive, or violent behaviour to our staff team extremely seriously. We retain the right to remove you as a patient or contact the police if we feel that any member of our staff is harmed or at risk physically or emotionally.

Unacceptable behaviour includes:

  • Using threatening, abusive, insulting words / behaviours towards staff, including the use of bad language, or swearing at clinic staff.
  • To display any written or other visible representation within the sight or hearing of another person, which is threatening, abusive, offensive, disrespectful, or insulting and likely to cause staff alarm or distress.
  • Racial abuse and sexual harassment.
  • Physical abuse including pushing & shoving.
  • Causing damage or stealing from the clinic’s premises, staff, or patients
  • Obtaining drugs and/or medical services fraudulently

Persistent or unrealistic demands that cause stress to staff will not be accepted. Patient requests will always be met wherever possible & explanations given when they cannot. While the Lumir prescribing team will work with you to agree at a treatment plan, the decision to prescribe or what medication is clinically appropriate rests with the prescriber.

The Lumir Clinic team will always try and resolve issues; in the exceedingly rare event the relationship between the patient and the clinic is no longer beneficial to patients or staff, the clinic retains the right to discharge a patient from the service and make reports to the police depending on the nature of any unacceptable behaviour. We ask you to be courteous when dealing with the Lumir Clinic team