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Suffering from Fibromyalgia?

Natural Treatment Plans may help.

Our Team of experienced doctors listen, guide and work with you to tailor a health plan – specific to your needs.

Am I eligible?

Fibromyalgia is a type of central nervous system condition that can have a severe impact on mental health and daily life.

First line treatments include therapy and medication. However, patients might find that natural treatment pathways may help with symptoms of Fibromyalgia. Our highly trained nurses and doctors are here to help discuss, guide and work with you to tailor a treatment plan – specific to your needs.

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Consults with experienced doctors

UK-wide telehealth

What is Fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia is a long-term chronic pain condition that causes widespread pain throughout the body and can lead to further issues such as sleep problems, fatigue, and cognitive issues.

Am I eligible?


Fibromyalgia is thought to be related to the way the central nervous system processes pain signals, causing severe pain that can often be localised at a particular area or felt all over the body, such as burning, aching, or shooting sensations.

Sleep Problems and Fatigue

Due to severe pain, individuals with fibromyalgia may struggle to fall and stay asleep, leading to severe fatigue, brain fog, and difficulty carrying out daily activities.

Mental health problems

Fibromyalgia can severely affect an individual’s mental health. For example, struggling to cope with pain, not knowing what is causing the pain, coming to terms with changes to your body, or grieving things you can no longer do can all lead to problems such as stress, anxiety, and depression.

Cognitive Issues

Fibromyalgia can cause an individual to experience cognitive issues such as brain fog, poor memory, poor concentration, and forgetfulness.

Hyperalgesia / Sensitivity

Fibromyalgia can cause an individual to have heightened sensitivity to things such as pain, touch, cold, heat, or bright lights.

When should an individual seek medical help?

Seeking medical help for fibromyalgia is essential for managing the condition effectively and improving your quality of life. Here are some situations in which you should consider seeking medical assistance:

Severe, Persistent and Widespread Pain
If you are experiencing severe and persistent pain throughout the body with no obvious cause.

Limitations in Daily Activities
If the pain of fibromyalgia is interfering with your ability to carry out or participate in daily activities.

Changes in Pain Characteristics
If your pain changes in intensity, location, or nature over time, it may signify a worsening of the underlying condition or the development of complications.

Mental Health
If you are experiencing symptoms of anxiety, depression, or mood disturbances related to your symptoms.

Difficulty Managing Pain at Home
If you’re struggling to manage fibromyalgia on your own or find that you can no longer carry out daily activities.

Lumir offer a telehealth service UK wide, providing personalised treatment plans to meet your needs.


It's simple, really

Our quick and simple process makes it easy for you to access personalised care.

Are you eligible?

If you have tried other interventions and chronic pain, anxiety, insomnia or some other health condition is still holding you back, complete our eligibility questionnaire for medical cannabis.

Download the App and Book an Appointment

Tell us a bit about yourself and your medical history and book your appointment with one of our specialist doctors.

Your medicine delivered to your door

If you are eligible, your dispensed order will be securely delivered to your door. Our service prioritises discretion and confidentiality.

About us

Lumir Clinic is part of a broader global mission spanning UK, Australia, Canada and the United States to offer exceptional patient care, as well as expand the evidence base for medical cannabis.

Led by our work with patients, veterans, doctors as well as through scientific partnerships with leading universities, our focus is on offering new solutions to treatment-resistant conditions.

We believe in the therapeutic potential of medical cannabis and that everyone who is eligible should have access to safe and affordable care.


Our Doctors

Our team of empathetic and friendly specialist doctors, nurses, pharmacists and patient coordinators guide and work with you to tailor a health plan – specific to your needs.

Patient-centered care is one of our core values – we put you at the heart of the decision-making process and help you explore integrated treatment for better health outcomes.

Unsure of whether medical cannabis is for you?

Contact us and we can talk you through your questions and concerns.

Unsure of whether medical cannabis is for you?

Contact us and we can talk you through your questions and concerns.