Our Team of experienced doctors listen, guide and work with you to tailor a health plan – specific to your needs.
Epilepsy is a neurological condition that affects the brain and is characterised by frequent or intermittent seizures.
First line treatments include medication. However, patients might find that natural treatment pathways may help with symptoms of Epilepsy. Our highly trained nurses and doctors are here to help discuss, guide and work with you to tailor a treatment plan – specific to your needs.
Consults with experienced doctors
UK-wide telehealth
What is Epilepsy?
Epilepsy is a long-term neurological condition where electrical bursts in the brain cause recurring seizures or fits. Generalised Epilepsy is when a seizure begins in both parts of the brain and Focal Epilepsy is when a seizure begins in one lobe of the brain.
Seizures or “fits” are when an individual loses consciousness and begins to shake uncontrollably. Anyone may experience a one-off seizure; however, epilepsy is a long-term condition where an individual experiences frequent and repeated seizures. Seizures can be triggered by things such as stress and anxiety, fatigue, alcohol, and drugs, or by flashing lights, for example.
Partial Seizures
Partial seizures can often be an indication that a full seizure will happen. Partial seizures are characterised by body stiffness or body twitching, strange internal feelings or sensations, tingling, or unusual smells and tastes. Partial seizures can also be characterised by making involuntary noises or movements and being unaware that you are doing so.
Stiffness or Jerking
Seizures can cause an individual’s body to go stiff in one area or all over or can cause an individual to jerk.
Loss of awareness
Individuals with epilepsy may sometimes lose their awareness of their surroundings as well as what they are doing, often “zoning out”.
Cognitive Problems
Epilepsy can cause a host of cognitive issues such as difficulties with talking, walking, learning, remembering, and other problems with executive function.
When should an individual seek medical help?
Seeking medical help for Epilepsy is essential for managing the condition effectively and improving your quality of life. Here are some situations in which you should consider seeking medical assistance:
Frequent Seizures
If you are experiencing frequent seizures, or loss of awareness or consciousness.
Jerking, Shaking or Stiffness
If you are experiencing shaking, jerking, stiffness, or “electric shock” type sensations.
Cognitive Problems
If you are experiencing brain fog, forgetfulness, difficulty concentrating, or learning.
Problems Using Your Body
If you are experiencing issues with breathing, walking, talking, or swallowing, for example.
If you are having frequent experiences of collapsing or fainting.
Lumir offer a telehealth service UK wide, providing personalised treatment plans to meet your needs.
It's simple, really
Our quick and simple process makes it easy for you to access personalised care.
Are you eligible?
If you have tried other interventions and chronic pain, anxiety, insomnia or some other health condition is still holding you back, complete our eligibility questionnaire for medical cannabis.
Download the App and Book an Appointment
Tell us a bit about yourself and your medical history and book your appointment with one of our specialist doctors.
Your medicine delivered to your door
If you are eligible, your dispensed order will be securely delivered to your door. Our service prioritises discretion and confidentiality.
About us
Lumir Clinic is part of a broader global mission spanning UK, Australia, Canada and the United States to offer exceptional patient care, as well as expand the evidence base for medical cannabis.
Led by our work with patients, veterans, doctors as well as through scientific partnerships with leading universities, our focus is on offering new solutions to treatment-resistant conditions.
We believe in the therapeutic potential of medical cannabis and that everyone who is eligible should have access to safe and affordable care.