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Suffering from Anxiety?

Natural Treatment Plans may help.

Our Team of experienced doctors listen, guide and work with you to tailor a health plan – specific to your needs.

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Anxiety is a common mental health condition
that can significantly affect daily life.

First line treatments include therapy and medication. However, patients might find that natural treatment pathways may help with symptoms of anxiety disorders. Our highly trained nurses and doctors are here to help discuss, guide and work with you to tailor a treatment plan – specific to your needs.

Call today for a free pre-care call.

Consults with experienced doctors.

UK-wide telehealth.

What are some of the signs of anxiety or an anxiety disorder?

Anxiety only becomes a problem when it’s there all the time. Some common types include;

Am I eligible?


Individuals with GAD worry excessively about everyday issues and have difficulty controlling their worry. GAD can prevent an individual from working or taking part in day-to-day activities.

General Anxiety Disorder symptoms can be both mental and physical. Mental symptoms can include excessive worry, difficulty concentrating, catastrophising, or overthinking, indecision or feelings of dread or fear. Physical symptoms can include restlessness, insomnia, fatigue, sweating, nausea, palpitations, dry mouth, feeling cold or having cold chills, shivering, or shaking.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a condition that causes an individual to have obsessive thoughts or urges. These thoughts are intrusive and can often be disturbing or cause distress, impacting a person’s ability to conduct their daily lives.

Individuals with OCD are unable to control these thoughts and often attempt to alleviate distress through obsessive or repetitive behaviors known as compulsions.

Compulsions can include carrying out actions in a specific way or pattern, keeping objects in line/orderly, excessive showering, hand washing, or cleaning, house cleaning, hoarding, repeatedly checking electronics are switched off or doors are locked, “tapping rituals” such as tapping in a certain way in order for things to be “correct”.

Obsessions can include fears of harm coming to the self or loved one, worries about health and illness, fears of germs, obsession with cleanliness, fear of speaking inappropriately, obsessive thoughts that can sometimes be violent or sexual, obsession with order.

Social anxiety (Social Phobia Disorder)

Social Phobia Disorder is a condition which causes excessive worry in individuals in relation to social situations and relationships. This worry causes self-consciousness and is often related to a fear of being judged or perceived in a negative light.

Social Phobia Disorder can prevent individuals from meeting new people or taking part in social activities and from performing everyday activities such as taking phone calls or eating in public, for example.

Social Phobia Disorder symptoms can include fear of humiliating oneself, fear of being judged negatively, fear of performing or speaking in front of people, fear of meeting new people or being in social situations, the urge to leave social situations, sweating, palpitation, nausea, difficulty breathing and dry mouth.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) & Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (CPTSD)

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition caused as a result of experiencing a traumatic event. PTSD is referred to as Complex ( CPTSD) when a person has experienced repeated or multiple traumatic events.

An individual with PTSD may experience flashbacks, nightmares, mental health problems such as depression and anxiety, as well as feeling ‘detached’ from the world and others in it.The condition can happen immediately after an event or it can sometimes appear months after the experience, known as Delayed-Onset PTSD.

PTSD symptoms can be severe and develop following a traumatic experience or set of distressing events or circumstances. These symptoms can prevent people from carrying out their normal lives. Symptoms can include flashbacks and nightmares, reliving the event or experience, mental health problems such as depression and anxiety, feeling “cut off” or detached from the world and loved ones, aggressive behaviours, alertness, easily startled.

Panic disorder

Panic disorder is an anxiety disorder where you regularly have sudden attacks of panic or fear. Everyone experiences feelings of anxiety and panic at certain times. It’s a natural response to stressful or dangerous situations, however someone with panic disorder has feelings of anxiety, stress and panic regularly and at any time, often for no apparent.

Symptoms of panic disorder include feelings of unease, worry or fear (anxiety) ranging from mild to severe. Some people avoid situations hoping to avoid a panic trigger and for some, the fear of a panic attack itself, can escalate into a panic attack.

There are multiple symptoms associated with panic attacks such feeling shortness of breath, sweating, nausea, racing heart and feeling like you are not connected with your body. If you have these symptoms and have not been diagnoses with panic disorder, it is important you consult with a doctor, as they are symptoms of other conditions and health problems.


Some people assume agoraphobia is simply a fear of open spaces or confuse the condition with social anxiety ; it is actually a more complex condition and is a fear of being in situations where escape might be difficult or would not be available if something went wrong. Agoraphobia can develop as a complication of panic disorder or triggered by a number of different phobias ( irrational fears).

As with many mental health conditions, the exact cause of agoraphobia is not fully understood, however most experts think a combination of physiological and psychological factors may be involved.

The psychological factors which may increase the risk of developing agoraphobia include traumatic, stressful events, substance misuse, previous history of mental illness. The physiological factor is linked to a persons in built “ fight or flight “ response, which is the way the sympathetic nervous system prepares us for dangerous or stressful situations. It is thought in agoraphobia, the intensity of this response triggers the intense fear.

When should an individual seek help?

While experiencing some anxiety from time to time is normal, anxiety can become a problem when symptoms persist for a prolonged period of time.

Persistent symptoms can prevent you from participating in work, school, or social activities, have a detrimental impact on your relationships and prevent you from taking part in daily activities.

If you think you have been experiencing symptoms of anxiety which are impacting your quality of life or your ability to take part in daily activities it is time to seek the advice of a medical professional.

Lumir offers a telehealth service UK wide, providing personalised treatment plans to meet your needs.


It's simple, really

Our quick and simple process makes it easy for you to access personalised care.

Are you eligible?

If you have tried other interventions and chronic pain, anxiety, insomnia or some other health condition is still holding you back, complete our eligibility questionnaire for medical cannabis.

Download the App and Book an Appointment

Tell us a bit about yourself and your medical history and book your appointment with one of our specialist doctors.

Your medicine delivered to your door

If you are eligible, your dispensed order will be securely delivered to your door. Our service prioritises discretion and confidentiality.

About us

Lumir Clinic is part of a broader global mission spanning UK, Australia, Canada and the United States to offer exceptional patient care, as well as expand the evidence base for medical cannabis.

Led by our work with patients, veterans, doctors as well as through scientific partnerships with leading universities, our focus is on offering new solutions to treatment-resistant conditions.

We believe in the therapeutic potential of medical cannabis and that everyone who is eligible should have access to safe and affordable care.


Our Doctors

Our team of empathetic and friendly specialist doctors, nurses, pharmacists and patient coordinators guide and work with you to tailor a health plan – specific to your needs.

Patient-centered care is one of our core values – we put you at the heart of the decision-making process and help you explore integrated treatment for better health outcomes.

Unsure of whether medical cannabis is for you?

Contact us and we can talk you through your questions and concerns.

Unsure of whether medical cannabis is for you?

Contact us and we can talk you through your questions and concerns.